So once again its Friday and am lying in my bed picturing how much fun
the weekend will be, maybe I will wake up on Monday morning with Zero
Shillings, Zero Syke for work and Zero Memory. Most of us are religious or believe in some being, its how human
beings are, hope pushes us beyond the inabilities in our lives that's
why I hate it when someone confesses, "I cant". Before I got my company
to where it is now I have worked with sadist, mood killers,
anti-visionist and the lazy ones. It's hard pushing people to see what
you see in a dream. I got mad and all I could do is reason with them
which bore Zero fruits and pulled me behind, worst move ever. Dreamers need realist so that they don't fly too close to the sun and
realists need dreamers so that they would take off from the ground.
Shooting each idea down is a dictators way of life. I am a dreamer, I
laugh, I make new friends on a weekly but if you give me a reason to
doubt your trust its back to Zero, you will not exist to me. Harsh? Not
really, life is to short to toy with peoples mentality. My cousin's
Sylvia 2012 facebook album testifies we only talk to approx 25% of
people on it.
We don't want people who add Zero values in our lives.Why blog about Zero you ask, well it can be viewed as a positive
also...like when writing a cheque, getting hospital results or categorizing your problems :). If you have been on The Thika Super
Highway, chances of getting traffic is Zero huh huh.
This blog is being written in real time just so you know I have Zero time to think through my thoughts, am in a bus right now heading for an
interview for a contract and the heat my word. My dream is to some day visit Alaska and experience the minus Zero
temperature and probably get a frost bite as a souvenir :D YOLO, come to
think of it lemme upload my YOLO t-shirt I will be rocking this weekend
as I chill with my boys Koko and Keroche. How I came up with their
nicknames is a story for another blog-post, so keep it bura. Lol Room
510 in NAXVEGAS God was not in control.
So how many of you have had the new Coke? Well am passing by Uhuru Park
and I have seen a vendor selling it, Njoro is his name and what he tells
me is that its selling better than the other coke brands. Hmmmmm the Kenyan
market is funny because what Val(random chic who jumps into the
conversation) is telling me is that she never watches what she eats so
the Zero sugar factor in it is music to her ears, "the branding is what I
like" she exclaims.

Somebody say, "Slimpossible". Before I go further
this is a message to the ladies, why are you so insecure with your size. OK, their is the the part of being unhealthy and you need to cut kidogo Pounds but i am never for the idea. +size or Petit, if your body is naturally like this, be happy with what God gave you, I mean look at Rick Ross, the man had his shirt out and we were all like YUCK but now I know several ladies who wouldn't mind getting a good one from him, why??? His confidence overlooks the looks so the ball is in your court, will you stand their and let someone thrash you to ground Zero?
Enjoying the post? well let me get to the reason why i decided to write this, I have a friend who has lost a lot this year, family, friends, property and hope. Life can change in a night and you should be ready for when that happens. Its a choice on how to look at your Zero in life, embrace it and make good out of it. Their is always going to be good and bad news and ulcers is never a plan if you know what i mean. Am seated at the reception for this interview I was coming for and their are four other people here so the probability of me getting this contract is a fifth, but I know i have a plan b when i get that follow up call on whether or not I get it. Enjoy your Friday evening and remember to celebrate Kenyatta Day kesho with Zero stress :)
Dan Obura
Managing Director
Bura Creations®
P.O.BOX 51306-00200
TEL: +254 725 932 277
twitter: @dan_obura @buramag
facebook: bura creations
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