Tuesday 31 May 2016

LG takes green technology a notch higher

When one envisions a city of the future, we instantly think of all the fiction movies and books we have come across, trying to create an illusion of what one thinks it’ll be. From flying cars to living in outer space, the capacity of thinking is limitless.
There are many factors to consider when one envisions a city of the future; sustainability, livability, convenience and safety are some of the few things on that list. With no doubt, all cities have unique characteristics that distinguish each of them from one another.
With the rise of cities comes about the impact of hazardous environmental concerns such as air pollution which affect both the public and private sector. This brings about the factor that we need to consider energy efficiency which will help us cut back on pollution.
LG has undertaken certain measurements to curb this issue; one of the many on that list is the introduction of its HVAC solutions which provides climate control for power plants, district cooling and commercial buildings. With experience of more than 40 years, LG has a recognized portfolio in this industry which assists in improving the Standards of living among us.
Renewable energy has the capability to reverse current trends in global warming, pollution and energy scarcity that experts suggest could plague future cities. One of the ways this has been undertaken is through solar power but some forms of renewable energy are already having a profound impact for homeowners around the globe.
The Air-To-Water heat pump such as LG’s Therma V line is one way LG is tackling tomorrow’s environmental challenges. The Therma V is able to extract heat from surrounding air to reduce power consumption. Therma V does this by relying on external air for up to 75 percent of its energy needs. It’s Impact; Slashes energy bills while simultaneously reducing its effect on the environment making it affordable, efficient and eco-friendly.
Water pollution in advanced cities has become more alarming causing environmental hazards in the short term and long term effects. Clean water is becoming scarcer as the day goes by. The introduction of the newest LG air and water purifiers may therefore become more common place in the near future. Such appliances will become absolutely necessary in emerging economies during the short term as we look for ways to solve the long term issues.
As we progress into the future, we all need to be able to improve the standards of living and what better way than implying some of the above examples. Its never too late to start!