My come back |
After a long day of putting up Christmas trees and decor at the Junction, Marion decided we go for KFC. No one had eaten all day plus it was a nice opportunity to bond with the new guys at work. I like the service at the branch. After getting served the lady comes to check if the chicken was made according to your preference, or if you need to add something or notify to you that the till is closing so adding something would be appropriate then. I think she is the supervisor their, she has this smile of, "their is more money in your wallet, come on, spend it all here" huh huh. So anyway these guys tell you the chicken will be ready in 20 minutes but it gets to your table in 10 minutes, most restaurants better learn from this pointer. In the midst of eating, sharing laughs, I kept highlighting peoples manner of eating, I am mean....well not mean, I speak what is on my mind which sounds mean in a funny way so catching feelings is not allowed. Tina eats like a lady, am sure she was so ready to request for a folk and knife, the hands on food business ain her thing plus she reps team no ugali :D. Carstens (yes that's someones name not a tractor backfiring) is a real "Luhya". He attacked the chicken at strategic parameters leaving no left overs on his plate, just like the KDF troupes. Harry and Caleb were the new guys, I could quite diss them because they ate in a "somebody is watching" manner. Fiona sat far so I couldn't tell but Marion huh huuuuuh that is another story for another blog. I don't know why am taking long to deliver my point. After the meal, Marion asked me to go get her "Two Sticks". So I walk to the till and request for two more sticks of chicken. The last time we were at KFC we ordered for the chilli bucket and five pieces of original chicken that came way later, I thought she had made a similar order like last time. This chic at the till asks me to go get my receipt. I walk back to Marion and ask for our receipt and she picks up her coke and angrily walks to the till and goes like, "We have spent 4g's on a meal why do I need to provide a receipt for....." and I finished her sentence, "......two sticks of original chicken". Marion froze, looked at me and went like "TOOTHPICKS DAN". and everyone on the till plus the pips lined up went in laughter and my story spread to the rest of the people inside the place that evening. Yes I was embarrassed but I couldn't show it. hmmmmmm people should learn how to pronounce words lol.
made it on the papers again :D |
How is everyone doing? Time to do a blog-post these days is scarce but I have a lot to say, like have you registered your ass us a voter? please, if you haven't, stop reading and go exercise your constitutional right. I still wonder how people attend these political rallies, paint their body from head to toe, walk half naked in the streets shaking what their mama gave them, mark you this is a dude, chanting to a slogan, in the heat of the sun all day...this is the interesting thing. They are not paid to do these ridiculous moves, shockingly this you will find this man has a wife and several kids at home and he will go home empty handed to sleep hungry.I am not being mean, this is me being real. We give this people a lot of airtime willingly. Let me direct your attention to the media. It is impossible to buy the front page for an advert. But if its politics, lets splash it with their faces and some of these guys don't have a vision for these country, My point, I don't care if you are a die hard supporter of of "Psy" if its not helping you, why go to the extent of making people look at you like, "...that nigga is cray". You get, same applies to WEDGES, unless you are being paid to wear them don't rock them near me, priss :D
"Free style" is an intro to my come back in my blog, its more or less undefined playing the part of sharing a smile through relevant society ish. Its hard to impress Kenyans so you need an M.I.A moment to see if your groupies will ask for your return. Imagine how I am loved :D choke on that fries from Nevada dear hater.....and ladies I said this before on facebook, if you decide to photo shop your pictures, stick to it till death you part, don't start complaining when we stop talking to you all of a suddenly. We are gentlemen, we let you fill in the blank spaces for yourself. Us I go on I would like to give a big shout out to instant showers, the best inventions that were ever made. I mean no more boiling water and showering "bend over" beside a basin or waiting for the boiler to heat up. You just wake up anytime, and PAP a constant hot shower that last, and lasts. and lasts, and lusts, and lasts, and lasts, and lasts (lol who saw what i did their) just like the Chloride Excide battery, but WHAO unto you when KPLC pulls a fast one, you will "OPPA GANGNAM STYLE" until you rinse off the soap.
me and tracy at the syokimau railway |
Sherlok's Meru Burger |
Finally, my highlight was when I rode the train from Syokimua to Town. I do crazy stuff, well not crazy but things that not everyone does. I told Tracy after the train ride that we must go for bungee jumping, BADENG. I think people who work in the bank are very boring (random thought). I loved the the automated sliding doors and majorly, THE FOOD COURT, well it was my first stop when I arrived. I am passionate about my country and what it has in store for us all. I see, I like, I must appreciate it. Like Sandra's booty :D. The train ride took 20 minutes to town with memorable scenes along the way. This coming weekend I plan to take the train with a couple of friends to Syokimau, have lunch then come back with it. Speaking of lunch I was in Meru 3 weeks ago, take it from me, the burgers from Sherlocks are a disappointment, that Heinken on the pic is not mine FYI. That burn looks crusty but its hollow, the fries were ok but that coleslaw was brownish like it was done in the morning and served to me in the evening. Lakini I loved my stay in the place, especially the part where all cars are public means heh heh, that is all from me. Till next blog-post, keep it Bura
Dan OburaManaging DirectorBura Creations®P.O.BOX 51306-00200NAIROBI, KENYATEL: +254 725 932 277twitter: @dan_obura @buramagfacebook: bura creations